
Newsletter Publishing

Newsletters give you staying power with your customers.
It shows that you are not going away and you will be there when the customer will need your services again.
If nothing else it is very good advertising that will be passed around your customers from friend to friend, to neighbor to neighbor.
A physical paper document works so much better than an online newsletter because it does not feel like an ad. It is read more often because it is around the house or office much longer than an online newsletter.
People hate to be sold to. By giving them a newsletter that you mail out to them, you give them a laid back easy feeling because you are not pushing them. You are just entertaining them. A big difference. Your customers will look forward to receiving your newsletter rather than deleting that unnecessary email that has your e-newsletter in it.
People have no time to waste online checking out more information.
Your newsletter will remind your customer that you have them in mind. They love that. They want to receive something in the mail addressed to them. When it comes time to using your services they will be an informed, attentive customer that will recommend you if they do not use your services.
Only thing is it must be consistent. If you do it, loyalty pays off just like exercise does. You must exercise with consistency or else you will not benefit from it. So is newsletter marketing. You know you have to do it.
The biggest problem with it is all business owners are busy and a newsletter is always put off to a later time. The most important things always seem to be put off to a later time. It usually never comes time to sit down to write it.
That is where we can help to manage it for you. We help you with all the administration of it and only request your monthly article. Easy. Sit down write out something interesting and relevant to your business. It does not have to be a 2 page essay.
Like all things in life, remember, the more you put in the more you get out. Give a little receive a little. Give a lot receive a lot.

So if you are ready to start a monthly newsletter publication reach out to us and we can help with your workload so that you can look impressive to your customers. They will come to love you for it.

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